sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2019

Credits: She Freya lingerie

Credits: She Angel lingerie

Credits: She - Karen jeans zipper

Credits: She Alicia Bra

Credits:She - Andressa Dress

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2019

Câncer de mama / Breast Cancer

Photo By: Nit Haia Congrejo e Milka Kyra
Seconde Life
It is not feeling for the other, but feeling with the other. When you read the script of another life. It's being an actor on another stage. It is to understand. It's not to say "I know how you feel". That's when we do not lessen each other's pain. It is to go down to the bottom of the well and keep company for those who need it. It's not being a hero, it's being a friend. It is knowing how to embrace the soul.